Thursday, 31 May 2012

May 31 - Chips - Wendy Fries

Wendy J. Fries living in Stoney Creek, ON:
“In September 1994, after eight years, I left Zeneca Agro when the company's Government & Trade Affairs Dept. was eliminated. Having constantly worked since graduating from Mohawk College in 1971, I decided to take advantage of this sabbatical and I took a year off. 

I enjoyed my condo, which I had just purchased in April 1994, and I adopted a beautiful Yellow Lab named Lone Star Lucy II. The two of us ventured to Cayuga every week for a couple of day’s visit with my elderly father (passed away in 2000; Mom had passed away in 1981) and my brother, Rusty (passed away in 2003), who worked at the Haldimand Association for the Developmentally Challenged. It was wonderful to have the extra time that year to spend with them and Dad & Rusty really bonded with Lucy.
In October 1995 I started temping at the Hamilton-Wentworth District Health Council in downtown Hamilton, which was quite the experience working in the city’s core!

In 1997 I landed a great job with an up and coming company, Philip Services Corp. I was the Executive Assistant to the Vice-President, Mill Services. A few years later, there was a scandal, something about missing copper (which I knew nothing about and gratefully told the RCMP that same thing when they were investigating years later. Footnote - Bob Waxman’s trial finally concluded last year and he will be sentenced this summer.)  After Philip’s rewriting their financial statements several times, their stock went from $27 to penny stocks and thus I had the opportunity for yet another sabbatical in 1999!
In November 1999 I was fortunate to land another great job, this time with Siemens Canada Limited, Energy Sector, Hamilton Plant (the old Westinghouse plant at Sanford & Barton started in 1903). I was the Executive Administrator for the Vice-President, Finance & Controlling until September 2011 when the gas turbine plant was moved to Charlotte, NC putting 600 Hamilton employees out of work. Another sabbatical for Wendy!!
This time I was able to take advantage of my young age (it’s all relative, isn’t it?) plus years of service and I took early retirement which I have been enjoying ever since!!
My sister, Bonnie Pugsley (Jack King & Hugo Brown’s Executive Assistant) and her husband, Jim, threw me a terrific Retirement Party for 60+ of my closest friends, many of whom I have known throughout my working career.  My old boss from Firestone attended and his speech brought back many memories of the seventies and disco days!!  I raised almost $1,000 for Hamilton Food Share in lieu of gifts.
As you all know, I started the Chipman / Zeneca Alumni Project a few months ago and I have gone from having 60 colleagues in my distribution list to 145 to date. We are worldwide from Switzerland to Australia! And my, how the project has expanded with the help of Louis Caron in Ottawa creating a Blog and Brad Smith in Calgary creating a Flickr account which, I know, everyone will enjoy both of these immensely!
As if I wasn’t busy enough with that project, I started volunteering around the same time on the Fundraising Subcommittee of the Hamilton Council on Aging and got right into it with a Cake & Cabaret Event coming up the night before our golf tournament.
In the meantime, I have started looking for work, although I’m not so sure that I want to get back into the corporate “dog-eat-dog” world! I like the non-profit charitable world and hopefully will land something in the next year. If you hear of anything available in the Hamilton area, please contact me at Wendy”

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